Once upon a time a sea reef was inhabited with good people. But the dark times came to their lands. The reef was attacked by sea monsters and those people were exiled. However, they didn't mean to give up.
Help these sea people in defending their reef.
Когда-морской риф был заселен с хорошими людьми. Но темные времена наступили на свои земли. Риф был атакован морскими чудовищами и эти люди были сосланы. Тем не менее, они не имели в виду, чтобы сдаваться.
Помощь этих морских людей в защите их рифов.
Once upon a time a sea reef was inhabited with good people. But the dark times came to their lands. The reef was attacked by sea monsters and those people were exiled. However, they didn't mean to give up.
Help these sea people in defending their reef.